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Packaging designs for pharmaceutical products
We designed packagings for multiple products of the Polish pharmaceutical company Hascolek, i.e. Ibum, Hacsofungin, Valused, Mosfinito. We went through the debriefing process, competitor analysis and creation of an initial concept together with the client. We then prepared the final designs on the basis of technical documentation received from the client.
The presented Valused and Mosfinito designs are conceptual – we usually show several variants designed with various styles tailored to the target group. Every details is important during a packaging design, thus the variants sometimes differ in details. During the concept stage, we present product visualisations and during the final stage, we transfer the projects onto grids with target content.
ul. Zwierzyniecka 3
+48 722 030 040
ul. Zwierzyniecka 3
ul. Franciszka Klimczaka 1
(Royal Wilanów)
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KRS: 0000320792
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ul. Zwierzyniecka 3
60-813 Poznań