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SGB Leasing

Lessor brand lifting


We developed a comprehensive strategy of brand communication in the project. The brand name was shortened, from SGB – Spółdzielcza Grupa Bankowa – leasing to SGB Leasing, making it easier to remember and more dynamic. The logotype was build on the basis of signs used by Spółdzielcza Grupa Bankowa in order to make the communication cohesive.

Key Visual

We focused on underlining the achievements of the company and taking into account the requirements of the entire Spółdzielcza Grupa Bankowa when designing the new branding. We showcased two creative lines: with a tree being the lead motiff in the first line and a cereal ear/leaf combo in the second line. The selected lead motiff uses the characteristic layout of leaf veins, related to growth and nature.  The main customer group of SGB Leasing originates from agricultural environments, thus we used the reference to plants and nature.

Utility and promotional materials

We have designed all promotional and utility materials, e.g. the company paper, car decals, business cards, folders and advertising leaflets.

The new branding was very well received by the market and by customers of SGB Leasing.

The website

We have created a visually attractive and functional company website for the customer, including a brand visual identification system distinguishing the company among its competitors. The website was built using the PHP technology. We have also used the JavaScript framework. The website outlines two user paths for different target groups – current and potential customers – enabling everyone to find the required information easily and quickly.

We made sure that the website is user-friendly. Clear layout of the website, reasonable icon architecture and an icon system created especially for the project make website navigation easier and encourages use of the offer of our client. We implemented a quick contact form to facilitate contact for portal users and increase sales effectiveness. This functionality accelerates the company offer presentation process.

Contact Us

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ul. Zwierzyniecka 3
+48 722 030 040

Visit us

ul. Zwierzyniecka 3

ul. Franciszka Klimczaka 1
(Royal Wilanów)

Company's data

Show Service
NIP: 779 234 85 08
KRS: 0000320792
REGON: 300995143
ul. Zwierzyniecka 3
60-813 Poznań

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